It is 2 years today when Piece by Peace was created. What started as a pipedream in wanting a career which may be supportive to others to having a forever growing business is something that I still have to pinch myself about. To get here has had its fair shares of ups and downs but I can honestly say there is nothing else that I would rather be doing and feel so thankful that I call this my work.
When I qualified I knew that I wanted to do something with that qualification, all of that blood, sweat and tears (and believe me when I say there were more than a few tears) needed some gratification. It was by pure chance that a friend of a friend mentioned that someone she knew was looking for some counselling. There was no reason why I shouldn't or couldn't call this client but there seemed to be a hundred reasons convincing myself that I wouldn't call! After some stern talking to myself, I made that call and secured my very first private client. I then realised that creating a successful business wasn't just about securing clients, it was a whole lot more. Advertising, legalities, website, memberships, more exams, spreadsheets, accounting.. a whole list of things that I had never had to do before. It felt like quite a minefield but being the determined person I am, I fully went into researching and creating mode and before I knew it I was up and running. Piece By Peace was born.

Piece By Peace has grown a lot over the last two years. I now have my very own therapy room located in a wonderful healing centre. My website is growing and I am having new ideas about it all the time. I have started blogging (something I never thought I would be able to do) and my client work constantly reminds me that this was the job I was meant to do. One of things that I love about having my own business is that I can create and learn in my own time and can choose to do what interests me. Being a curious soul, this career suits me as there is always going to be something to learn, as humans are forever changing, we are always a work in progress.
Happy 2nd Birthday to my dream. I am forever grateful I believed in myself and so happy that I did!